Life is full of PGPs

Dear PGs,

So it is officially my first blog since starting PrettyGrlProb less than a year ago. I pretty much decided to do a blog about life as a PG and all the adventures that comes along with it.

My life has been, as they say "blessed". That isn't to say I haven't been through a fair number of emotional trials but compared to many I am a very lucky girl. I live in a beautiful apartment in the middle of a fabulous city, have great friends, and a fun career. All of these give me plenty to blog about.

My City: No details per say, because as you know #PGP is completely anonymous. I will tell you this it's full of fun bars, great restaurants, handsome men, and beautiful woman...oh and did I mention plenty of fantastic shopping?

My Friends: Well they are my PGs. Young, gorgeous, brilliant, and have expensive taste in shoes. Nights out with them always come with epic tales of terrible pick-up lines, extravagant dates, lost filters, and plenty of champagne.

My Career: As you might have seen on Twitter, I am working on a book. In addition to that I do the event planning and marketing for some restaurants/bars in my city! Pretty much I get paid to play. It's a lot of work during the day but it's totally worth it!

There's always some drama going on in life. So my theory is instead of stressing about all the drama just blow them off as pretty girl problems and enjoy the champagne!


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